Quality Healthcare.
Accessible to Everyone.
Your good health is our greatest achievement
We Provide
Full Medical Care!
Highest standards of customer service
We Provide
Full Medical Care!
Highest standards of customer service
25 Years of Medical Excellence

The Heart and Science of Medicine

We help your body restore itself by harnessing your own healing potential with a variety of techniques to combat areas of disease, injury or inflammation. This process involves a variety of techniques including a minimally invasive procedure conducted right in our clinic.

  • check-mark-1Equipped for all stages of care, from prevention to rehabilitation
  • check-mark-1Quality assessment program helps ensure smooth, effective operation
  • check-mark-1Prepared to treat a high volume of trauma patients 24/7
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Our Departments

MedPearl Medical Tourism specializes in different medical services for the convenience of community:

Eye Surgery
Hair Transplant
Dental Medicine
Plastic Surgery
Weight Loss
See the Difference

Why Choose Us?

  • Patient-Centred

    While our team brings important experience and knowledge, we know that each patient is the expert in their own life.

  • Comprehensive

    We offer comprehensive health care focusing on the whole person, at all ages and stages of life.

  • Patient-Centred

    We have flexible hours and are open on certain evenings and during the weekend, to accommodate your schedule.

Our Services

Patient Information

Generally, Medical Tourism refers to going elsewhere other than your own city or state to receive medical care. For example, people in the Europe have been going out of their Home Counties to Turkey clinics for years, and no one thinks twice about it. Perhaps because they don’t want to deal with long waits in their own home country or maybe they have very affordable prices and other personal reasons.

The importance of medical tourism – and this cannot be overstated – is that its availability offers options to those who are:

  • Under-insured
  • Self-insured
  • Not insured and,

For procedures not approved in the patient’s home country.

Some of the pricing includes follow up appointments, therapy and general medications. You will need to research your quotation you received to see all of what is included in the personalized package you require. Depending on which surgery is chosen and the package you purchase, rehabilitation, medication and follow up care is included in the price.

MedPearl Group provides you with the necessary information you need to make the best decision when choosing where to find your treatment. Moreover, MedPearl books your consultation, helps you find accommodation depending on your needs, help you with translation, transportations, informs you about how everything works and helps you with the procedure.

MedPearl Group will appoint a professional who speaks your language to work as an interpreter during the consultations – if necessary – and, when needed, to help you during your stay.

Best Quality Service

Our Medical Facilities

We offer highly specialised medical care, on multiple sites, from some of the foremost national and international specialists in their fields of medicine.

Cured Patients

For over 15 years, we have delighted our customers and provide them with the necessary services.

Happy Clients

Absolutely all our clients are ready to assure you of the high quality of our services.

Online Appointments
and Prescriptions

You can now book a limited amount of doctors’ appointments online